+91 9763838322

Process and Status

Admission is solely based upon its policy, class size, age of the student, progress report card of the applicant and the entrance test.


Age Policy:


Admission Procedure




Rules and regulation for Parents and Students


Written Application

To apply to School, we ask you to assemble and prepare a variety of materials that will help us assess your qualifications. Remember, all materials must be submitted to online by the application deadlines. The following serves as a preview of what you need to prepare.

+ Transcript(s)

+ Essay

+ Recommendations

+ Resume

+ Acceptance of Policies



After your written application has been submitted and reviewed, you may be invited to interview.



Within 24 hours of the interview, candidates are required to submit a written reflection through our online application system. Detailed instructions will be provided to those applicants who are invited to the interview process.